Sunday, August 28, 2011

Save the Dates

I really don't think of myself as crafty.  I have a good friend NH who can make anything with paper.  She made her own save the dates, and is a whiz on a Cricut.  She was kind of my inspiration when it came to giving this a go on my own.

During the last few weeks, I've been printing, cutting, folding, and measuring to get the dimensions just right.  I made a template, and now have folded 60 card stock folders with pockets to be stuffed with info for our guests.

All the tools ant templates ready to start cutting and folding:

Making the pocket for information about the wedding

 Folded with a pocket

All ready to be stuffed and mailed.  

It was so much easier than I thought it would be, and very rewarding.  As soon as I get these out I'll start on the invitations.

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