Monday, October 24, 2011


I felt like it was important to update my most important count downs.  I am the type of person who needs something to look forward to, or it's hard to get through the week/month.

199 Days until the Wedding...Cheers to being under 200!

192 Until the Wedding Vacation begins!

148 School Days until Summer!

About 75 Days until two of my favorite girls have their little babies!  What an exciting time for them :)

68 Days until my Half Marathon at Disney!- twice in one mothn to Disney!

56 Days until Disney with my Family

53 Days until a fun filled Christmas visit to Michigan!

30 Days until Thanksgiving with my family and future in-laws.

25 days until I head to VA to see my best friends- God I miss them!

10 days until I turn 31.  Wow. crazy!

I love having something to countdown!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Charming Charms

MLH is a source of unmatched inspiration.  At her wedding, the bridesmaids pulled charms from her cake and were greeted by a (frosting covered) wish from the bride.  After two years -Happy Anniversary MCH and MLH BTW-I still have my four leaf clover charm on my jewelry mat on my dresser.

 The custom of "Ribbon Pulling" charms of luck and good fortune dates back to the Victorian England when the bride hid small charms attached to ribbons within the layers of her wedding cake. The tradition has made a "charming" comeback and is a very sweet Charming gesture.  I love the idea so we're doing it!

While out and about yesterday I picked these up:
and came home to attach the coral blush ribbon.

Now I just need to figure out how to get them under the cake.  MLH-I'm looking to you to help :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When it rains...

To say that the last few weeks have been bad is a huge understatement.  It seems that everything in our little world that could go wrong has.  Car trouble, leaking bathroom in our VA townhouse, torn ligaments and hospital visit for Nic's hand, and oh could I go on....

I've been a little down in the dumps lately, mostly dwelling on all these yucky things that have plagued us over the last few weeks, but also missing friends and family that I don't get to see.  But now I'm done being blue.  My favorite principal ever, Angie always says "Choose your attitude"  and that's what I am going to do.  Time to look at the bright side, and choose to improve my attitude.

Amazing what a little conversation with MLH can do for my mood to help me see the bright sides.

Bright sides:

It's fall, and that can only mean one thing in my mind PUMPKINS!  If you know me, you know I love them.  They're cute to look at and tasty to eat.  Yes, I've already made a few batches of my pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and brought them to boot camp to share.
I've also enjoyed (more than my fair share of) Pumpkin Beer.  Oh my are they good!  Here's a picture so you know what I'm talking about...
see that suraged rim.  It tastes even better than it looks!

College football games are also a bright spot for me.  If you notice behind the pumpkin beer is a U of M jersey.  That's our friend Nick Chang.  Nic and Nick went to U of M together, and love to cheer on their Alma mater together.  We head to the Michigan bar pretty regularly to take in games, drink and eat tasty bar treats, and hang out with friends.

I'm up to running 7 miles at a time.  that's huge for me.  I don't love it to be honest, but it's a necessary evil so that I can fit into a sleek wedding dress.  I am running two half marathons between now and the wedding to make sure I don't look like a wedding cake in that dress!

One last bright side: We are less than 7 months away from being the newest Hunter family!  I can't wait for the week of wedding festivities starting May 5th!