Friday, March 18, 2011

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!

So it's true, no date has been set.  It's still up in the air, but what is not up in the air is the theme in my mind.  I want a laid back beach wedding where everyone can kick their heals up and have some fun.  I see ideas everywhere to make this a reality.  Many of the ideas I have are things I'd  like to copy from other weddings (friends and from the knot).  I am trying to keep in mind that this is the beginning of the planning, and I shouldn't get overwhelmed with things I'd like for the reception/party.  It's just so hard since that seems like the fun stuff!  I feel like I need to sort what I know and what I'd like to keep in mind so I don't forget any of the great ideas I've seen when it gets close enough to actually plan them.  I still am in the mode of feeling ALL OVER THE PLACE!  Will the ever come together and be the beautiful wedding I have in my mind?  I guess it won't until I really get planning.  I really just want to get to the fun part of planning, instead of the boring stuff like picking the actual date ;)

Here's what I know so far:
1.  This time, I am marrying the RIGHT man.  Period.
2. I have the most incredible friends and -and they'll have a huge role in the whole wedding.

3.  We have wonderful families that love and support us. They will of course have a huge part in the whole wedding.  Our siblings will stand up for us, and our parents will be guests of honor.
4.  We'll tie the knot on the sand in the Outer Banks-God willing
and that's where it ends.  I have so many ideas, but I want to make sure that I have the important details like a date and a venue in place before I let myself go wild.

Ideas I have so far for the FUN STUFF:
I loved MLH's Picture frames that helped to serve as escort card finders.

I also loved her Water bottles, and signature drink as well.  Great ideas!!

 We'd like to do a "Candy Bar" stolen from EEH

I would like a beach themed cake that looks something like this:

In addition to the Candy bar and cake, I want to do a sugar cookie tree like EEH.  I am Italian, and there are traditionally Italian cookies at weddings.  I think I'd like to change it up and do sugar cookies like JLM's famous ones.  I like these, and would attach them to a Styrofoam cone to look like a tree.  Can you tell all I care about is desert?  I haven't even thought about catering yet...hmmm...

I'd like to do my own, simple floral arrangements  for the gals and me by ordering through Costco to cut costs.  I'd like to incorporate starfish into the flowers, boutonnieres, seating cards, centerpieces, and invitations.  Among other things.

Speaking of the gals- sun dresses, not BM dresses that can't ever be used again.  A nice Navy sundress.
Oh yeah, and Navy will be the main color.  I am thinking of accenting with either Yellow (Not too muted, but not too bright) or Hot Pink.

And last but not least I look at MLH's thank you note everyday because it's on my fridge right in the front.  Its a beautiful pic of her and her cute hubby holding a "Thank you" sign.  I want to copy that too.

As you can see, I need to focus.  It will come.  I am seriously considering bumping this shin-dig to either June or August of 2012.  That way it will be summer for all the teachers out there who have to worry about standardized testing in May.  I can't believe I'm planning my wedding around an SOL ;)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First post

I've never blogged before.  I've never even though of blogging before.  My bestie MLH blogs, and I find reading her therapeutic.  I know she find writing it to be as well, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I recently got engaged, and am excited about the prospect of being his Mrs.  I love him dearly, but am having a hard time finding the motivation to get the planning started.  I know once it starts it will take on a mind of it's own, and I will no longer think of anything else until the wedding is over.  I am kind of enjoying this blissful time of just wearing a sparkly new ring, and I don't want to start.   There I said it.  I don't want to plan this wedding...yet

Another roadblock in planning is the uncertainty of next year.  I traded in my WONDERFUL job in VA for an uncertain job in MA to move with Nic with he goes to Harvard Law.  I like my school, I LOVE my teammates, but I have no idea if my job will be here next year.  The budget it horrible, and I'm facing a possible layoff.  I'm having a hard time starting to think of dates etc. without knowing what next year will bring. 

I think I'll set a goal for myself.  I promised MLH I'd call the OBX realtor about the venue, which I've done.  I have a place booked for the last week of April/first week of May 2012.  It's done.  I've done that. I will set myself a goal of really starting this whole planning thing on May 1, 2011.

I know how unexcited I must sound, but I really am excited to be married to my guy.  Once the uncertainty of next year is at ease, I'll be able to jump right in.  MLH- you're right.  This is very therapeutic!